Monday, September 21, 2009


Ross sent me this email.  Thanks for joining, Ross!  Keep us posted.

Great idea!  There is always strength in sharing a goal and receiving mutual encouragement.

Here's mine:
Last January 1, I weighed 217 pounds - the most I have ever weighed.  By the summer, I was consistently settled in at 200 - and it wasn't really that hard.  Just scrupulous eating decisions.  I even got as low as 198.  But it only took a couple of weeks of careless eating during vacation travel this summer to plateau back at 205. 

So for me, this next January 1 is significant, because of last year's "milestone".  Where I really want to be is around 185.  (That would take me back 30 years.)  But with about 15 weeks left, I'm going to set a goal of 10 pounds, or 195.

I already set a goal recently of 3.5 hours per week of sustained exercise.  I've been doing that on a stationary bike watching football games, and on my bicycle.  So far, I've succeeded for about 3 weeks.  That burns about 2000 calories or so a week.  That's worth about half a pound a week.  I'm planning to continue this regimen.

Also, my plan is to just be more conscious of my food choices like during the spring.  Limited carbs, more veggies and fruit.  Get a good habit going to endure the holiday food barrage. 

I don't know when I will have time to tackle another long bike trip.  I would really like to ride down the Pacific Coast, or through the Eastern seaboard or the Great Smoky Mtns.  Those will probably have to wait until retirement because the training regimen is too strenuous to sustain having a life.  Right now its more about staving off that lurking diabetes and just generally being more fit as I get older.

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