Sunday, September 20, 2009

Intro & Explanation

For my leadership class this semester I am required to undertake what my professor calls a "BHAC" - a Big Hairy Audacious Change.  Basically, I pick something significant and meaningful to change in my life and the lives of others.

This assignment came to me at the time of Grandma's death, which reminded me of the importance of making real efforts to stay healthy through diet and exercise, regardless of age.  I know that Dad's doctor has told him that he's borderline diabetic, and that at least a couple of his siblings are faced with the same condition.  I recently spoke with my doctor about diabetes risk (since we have a family history of the disease), and he told me that diet and exercise are the two best ways to prevent and treat diabetes.  So here's what I want to do, and I invite you to join me in making some health-related change in your life.  The idea is to take "baby steps" to better health (thank you, 'What About Bob?').

For some time now I've wanted to train for a distance run of some kind.  I eventually want to run a marathon, and I'd love to do some kind of triathlon.  In order to build up to that ("baby steps to 26 miles..."), I'm going to start training for a 10K (6.2 miles).  I'll post my proposed training schedule later for all to see, and I'll report on my progress here on this blog.  Regarding diet, my doctor believes I suffer from hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and recommended I eat high protein snacks more frequently.  I hate having to think about food, so this will be challenge, but that's what makes the BHAC big, hairy, and audacious.

I spoke with Dad on his birthday and invited him to participate in this project.  He enthusiastically agreed and said that he would like to get down to 210 lbs. by the end of the year.  He plans to do this by continuing to exercise through manual labor around the house/yard, continuing to improve his diet, and continuing to take his medication to keep his blood sugar under 150. What I really like about Dad's plan is that this change, while challenging, is not so dramatic that it requires he alter his behavior in an unsustainable way.  The idea of a "baby steps" kind of change is that it doesn't require miraculous results overnight.  Instead, it's simply a small, but meaningful, move in the right direction.

Pick some health-related thing in your life you would like to change.  Maybe it's something you've always wanted to do (like my 10K), or maybe it's something that you really need to do (like Dad taking control of his situation).  Or maybe it's in another class altogether.  Whatever it is, make sure it meets these two baby step criteria:
  1. It's meaningful.  This has to be big enough that it actually makes a difference in your life.
  2. It's sustainable.  Forget Atkins and P90X and all that.  This has to be small enough that you can keep it up indefinitely.  It should integrate into your lifestyle permanently.
Once you've decided what you want to do, email me with details or post it here directly.  Make sure you quantify your goal so you can measure and report your progress.  For me, it's following my training schedule.  For Dad, it's making sure he takes his medication and doesn't drink soda more than a couple of times a week.  For you it might be calories, days/week of exercise, miles walked, etc.

Finally, recruit others.  Invite other family members and your friends to join you.  Help them identify some meaningful health goal in their lives, and encourage them to achieve it.

I'm starting my training tomorrow - September 21st.  I won't be able to finish my 8-week training before my assignment is due, but I'll report here on my progress.  Your change may take more time or less time.  Whatever it is, pick a date and start as soon as you can.  And please email me or post it here.  The more info I have on what you're doing, the better my grade will be - and the more healthy we'll all be!

Good luck!


1 comment:

  1. Good idea, Brandon! For years and years, I walked regularly every morning with friends. Since moving to CA, I haven't found that reliable walking partner (the dog just doesn't cut it), so I haven't been a consistent exerciser. My goal is to burn 1800 calories/week in exercise/activity. This translates to 300 calories of exercise 6 times a week. I know this is about equivalent to walking briskly for an hour, but in addition to walking, I'd like to try to add in other activities like light weight-training, Wii Fit, etc. I have plenty of time, but without someone to do it with, the motivation hasn't been there. So maybe this blog will help me with motivation. Thanks!
